
    There’s no official way to send #Supernote files to #Evernote, but that doesn’t mean we can’t, right? 😉

    I made myself a tool to make it easier to film the Supernote. It is essentially a miniature table with an acrylic top to let the light through. I also cut it to fit the Pixel camera bump. And yes, the next video will be about sending #Supernote files to #Evernote 😉

    Auto-generated description: A smartphone lies on a acrylic table, displaying a photograph of a computer screen featuring the Evernote logo as it appears on an adjacent monitor.

    3 mindful options to send #Supernote notes to #Obsidian.

    Ever wanted to send your Supernote notes to Obsidian? Well, there are some ways to do that. Some examples include converting a note to PDF, opening Supernote notes in Obsidian, and even screenshotting notes directly into Obsidian. Check out my video below to learn how.

    I’ve been testing alternatives to make #Obsidian and my #Supernote Nomad play nice with each other. Obviously, a video is in the works 😉

    Auto-generated description: A laptop displaying a document on its screen sits on a cloth-covered surface alongside a Supernote and a pen.

    No check-in, boarding or any other lines to wait in. Not even security check. Super quick boarding and deboarding. There is a lot of lag space, even in the economy class. And, to top it all off, there is the departure and arrival in the city center. It is impossible to not love trains.

    PS. 👆 That’s a Supernote.

    The first time I used an e-Ink screen device to write an article.

    I’m torn. Part of me wants to make this work because that screen is so good, but at the same time, the writing experience is not as convenient as opening my MacBook Air and starting to type.

    My obsession with how simple it is to sit down anywhere, open a lid, and start typing began with an 11-inch MacBook Air back in 2012. I loved that computer. It traveled with me around the globe, allowing me to write books, articles, and blog posts wherever I was. Furthermore, its size was perfect for trains and plane tray tables.

    It was eventually replaced by the M1 Air, which is a little bigger, but I still carry it with me to far too many places. Regarding the small screen of both computers, it was never a problem since I always had an external display at my office.

    And, yes, I have tried an iPad, but, regardless of what Apple claims, that’s not a computer. Mostly because of iPadOS limitation. Anyway, I quickly stopped using it because, more often than not, I had to also pack my laptop for the non-writing work. So, why bring two devices with me if I can do a much better job with just the MacBook Air.

    Enters the Supernote

    The Nomad, which is the one I have, is a little bigger than a Kindle, but much smaller and thinner than an iPad. It has an e-Ink screen and the Kindle app. And talking about reading, I love my Kindle and keep it in my bag all the time. Can you see where I’m going with this? But before that, let’s talk about my first attempt to organize my notes in the Supernote (video below).

    I’m trying my best to document and share my learning process, but inevitably the videos about the Supernote will always be a few days and many features behind my real-life experience. So, what I showed in the video above has already evolved to a system that I’m thrilled with.

    I’m easily capturing and organizing my ideas like never before. There’s almost no friction and, of course, I’ll publish a new video about it in the following days. Anyway, what I’m trying to say is that with the above solved, I thought I could probably give the Nomad an extra job.

    Yesterday I packed a generic foldable Bluetooth keyboard and a tablet stand and went to a coffee shop. Writers tend to spend far too much time looking at screens, and that combined with the time I spend editing videos has taken a toll on my eyes. So, the first thing I felt when using the Supernote to write was an immense relief. The comfort is almost indescribable. What a gorgeous screen to look at.

    However, before that, I had grabbed the Supernote pen, navigated to the article, unfolded a keyboard, unfolded a stand, and only then start typing. Arguably, there are also many steps when using a laptop, but it is a single piece of equipment and there’s no need to lift the hands off the keyboard and trackpad to get to the app and start writing.

    Extra gear and fewer features

    Using the Kindle app on the iPad was never an option because of the screen, but I can now leave my beloved Kindle behind, and make room for the Supernote.

    However, if my goal is to write long texts when away from my home or office, I’ll have to always carry that keyboard and stand with me. I’ll also miss some useful tools, like LanguageTool. Not to mention that I have already expressed my negative thoughts about devices like this.

    Fortunately, I’m already old enough to understand that only the fool never changes their minds. Maybe less strain on my eyes and a more mindful writing experience is what I need for a while.

    The only way to know it for sure is by trying, and if this extra job I’m giving the Supernote ends up failing, I’ll be fine with it. Like I mentioned above, this lovely device has already become my quick go-to notepad for jotting down and organizing ideas. In other words, it’s already in my everyday bag, coming with me everywhere.

    First note on my #Supernote.

    It doesn’t feel exactly like paper because, well, it’s not paper. But wow, the friction is similar to writing with a harder pencil, and it’s so good.

    A Supernote is expected to arrive at my office on Monday.

    Some people keep journals, I jot notes down multiple times a day. Together, they form a digital timeline I’ve been crafting since 1999, when I picked up a Palm IIIx. Now, a Supernote is being added to my note-taking workflow.

    I first learned about it on cam shand’s YouTube channel, and immediately noticed it checks so many boxes on what I had in mind for a device like this.

    Firstly, it is user-serviceable, and as you already know, I like to make, adapt, and fix things myself. Then, there’s the e-Ink screen, the type I prefer on my devices. They not only make reading comfortable, they check another box on my list: battery life. Like my watch and Kindle, I’m expecting the Supernote’s battery to last for a long time between charges.

    Have I told you there’s no need to charge the stylus?

    I have many ideas I would like to explore and numerous experimental projects I plan to do, such as connecting it to Obsidian. I’m not sure how many of them I will be able to accomplish, but you are joining me on this journey. We’re going to learn how to use it, as we creatively push it to its limits.

    If this is a topic you are interested in, please subscribe to my YouTube channel and stay tuned. The first video about the Supernote will be released next week.

    Have a wonderful weekend!