# How come a book weighs 1.1kg? 2024-09-07 That's insane. It is likely the 786 pages containing text plus four inexplicable blank sheets at the end. Anyway, I picked this one up secondhand because it's out of print and there's no e-book version I know of. ![[vladcampos.com/_photos/2024-09-07-mountbatten-1kg.jpg|A biography of Mountbatten by Philip Ziegler is resting on a pink polka dot digital scale displaying a weight of 1.102 grams.|500]] I love reading on subways, trains, and planes, but, as you can imagine, bringing this book with me is always a challenge. It's like reading and doing cross-fit at the same time 😂. Not to mention how unbalanced it was to hold when I began reading it. Now that I'm reaching half of it, it's easier to manage. But as soon as I cross to the other side, things will become unbalanced again. ![[vladcampos.com/Toolbox/Supernote/Supernote posts|Supernote posts]] That's probably why it's [[vladcampos.com/Blog/2024-03-12 677 pages to go...|taking me ages to finish it]], so I came up with a plan to make it more portable. I started testing my idea yesterday and just completed the process. I can now read it on my #Supernote, and you can learn how I did it watching the video below. ![](https://youtu.be/P3fEfuFn_CU) ![[vladcampos.com/_embedded/After Post|After Post]]