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    @bobreturns Sorry for not answering before. I was working on a video which, I believe, will be a much better way to answer your question. I hope you like:

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    @Daojoan I'm enjoying it. Can I ask a favor? Sometimes you post just a link and some of us use apps that do not show previews. My case. Would it be possible to also include the title on those posts?

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    @manton Now that we have seen that Meta is actually bringing ActivityPub to Threads, I wonder why you still think this integration with makes sense. I'm sure you'll be investing a lot of time and energy into this, and when Threads fully joins the Fediverse, it will become a redundant feature. Is there something else I am not seeing?

  • Replying to: @Havn

    @Havn @manton @vincent My avatar never changed, even after many months. It only changed when I decided to reset my Fediverse address. Not because of the picture, of course 🙃

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    @Daojoan Not sure whether it was simply a coincidence or if Google is tracking what I'm reading 😵‍💫. Anyway, YouTbe just suggested this: