
    Focusing on content creation.

    As you may already be aware, I am passionate about learning and sharing what I have learned. What you may not know is how much work that is. It takes me a lot of time to learn new things, try things out, and produce a video or article to help you.

    Many of you are supporting all this work through Patreon, By Me a Coffee, and YouTube memberships, and I cannot thank you enough for that. However, because of the benefits I added to some of these platforms, they ended up creating an uncomfortable situation.

    I’m a one-man show creator, and working on the perks, diverts my attention from content creation. However, when I don’t do that, I feel bad. Not to mention that keeping you as a supporter and bringing new backers is essential.

    After much consideration, I decided to ditch all the perks and focus on creating free content. I will not produce exclusive videos anymore, and the Medium members articles are also open on my blog. Your help is as important as it has always been, but I will fully understand if this new arrangement does not work for you.

    Among the three platforms mentioned above, you’ll find options that start from buying me a single €5 coffee or supporting me monthly from as low as €2.

    It was not an easy decision, but I have to stand up for what I believe in, and at the end of the day, it’s all about sharing and building a community.

    Thank you, Vlad.