>[!book] > **[Algorithms to Live By](https://amzn.to/3BLYkpU)** is, undoubtedly, the most important book I have read. It shed light in the form of scientific explanations for many things I was already doing, but that I had learned the hard way.  > > ![[vladcampos.com/_files/cover-algorithms-to-live-by.png]] > >If my memory doesn't fail me, I learned about it in 2016 listening to a podcast while #jogging in #Santiago, where I lived at the time. The conversation blew me away, and I got the [Kindle edition](https://amzn.to/3BLYkpU) as soon as I got home. I bought the [hard cover](https://amzn.to/49X4BeS) and the [audio version](https://amzn.to/49Zmf1v) a few years later. > > It's probably not a book for everyone because of the many detailed explanations. My suggestion is to [download the sample](https://amzn.to/3PfETZK) to make sure it is something that's compatible with the kind of books I enjoy reading.