# Strip down Evernote and go back to basics to focus on notes
**Tired of Evernote's clutter? Too many features overwhelming you? This is how you can strip it down to a pure note-taking app.**
Those of you who have already watched the [video at the end of this article](https://youtu.be/V9YFmMtbLBo), know how happy I was when I first tried that new Sidebar Configuration feature. I was both nostalgic and overjoyed to see my decade-old companion working as a note-taking app again.
If that’s also your goal, here are some tips to convert #Evernote into a plain, simple #note-taking app. But first, make sure you have the correct version. The settings below are only available on version 10.107.3 or later.
#### Removing Distractions
Click on your name in the top-left corner of the screen, open the **Settings** menu and go to the **Sidebar** tab.
Uncheck the **Show Task and Event Creation buttons** option to remove the big, super-distracting purple and red buttons from below the Note button. However, as a reminder—or tip—they are still accessible by clicking on the three dots.
The **Show note counts** is an important element in my [[vladcampos.com/Timeline System|Timeline System]] and I kept it checked. As for **Show recent notes**, I prefer them on the Home page because I can see the thumbnails. As a side note, both of these settings have always existed.
We'll soon get back to the last option on that list. For now, scroll down to the section below and click to close as many eyes as possible 🤣. Jokes apart, Here’s what I left visible on my sidebar:
- Home
- Shortcuts
- Note
- Notebooks
We are not done yet, but I need to take a moment to share a tip with those of you who love keyboard shortcuts.
#### Keyboard Shortcuts
Even if you remove, for example, Home from the side menu, you’ll still be able to use the **option + command + 1** keyboard shortcut on a Mac to open Evernote Home. And that’s true for many other items. To open the Tasks page, you can use **option + command + 3**. The Calendar is **option + command + 5**.
To see all the available shortcuts (Mac or Windows), click on the keyboard icon on the lower-left side of the Evernote desktop app and go to the **Navigation** section.
#### Hiding Everything
Let's return to the top section of the **Sidebar** tab and discuss the **Group hidden options in More**. This will create a four-square icon that will provide you with access to the items you just made hidden.
I want the cleanest sidebar as possible and, in my case, I also unchecked this option. But, as everything else in this article, this is just how I'm doing things on my Evernote. There are many combinations that you can and should explore to find what's the best for you.
#### Only Notes
We are almost there. If note-taking is your focus, go to the **Application** tab, and select **Start on Notes** under the **When opening Evernote** section. This will open Evernote on your notes list as it used to be before Evernote 10 was introduced.
Congratulations! Your Evernote is back as a note-taking app now. But if you need it, there’s always a calendar and list of tasks a click away on Home. To learn how I set up a [minimal Evernote Home](https://youtu.be/bIqvGvBkoGs), you can watch this other video.

#### Express Your Love
Now, if you truly love Evernote and take many notes every day, why not automatically open the app when you turn on your computer? Since you are already on the **Application** tab, check the **Open Evernote at start-up** option. That’s how you show your true love 💚
![[vladcampos.com/Toolbox/Evernote/Evernote posts|Evernote posts]]
#### Have Fun 😆
Finally, go watch the video below to make fun of me trying to find the **Show Task and Event Creation buttons** option.

![[vladcampos.com/_embedded/After Post|After Post]]