# Two Web Clipper solutions I use to send information to Obsidian
**Collecting information is an important part of my learning process, but Obsidian doesn’t have something as powerful as the Evernote Web Clipper.**
To find a solution, I tried different ideas until I came up with one that works well for me. I use two different tools, and I hope that they will inspire you to create your own system.
There are two types of clippings I do.
Sometimes, I need to preserve the page format, and even Evernote’s Web Clipper is not always good at that. This is the reason why I began using the print to PDF function and then dragging the PDF into a note in Evernote. You can see how I do it by watching the [video below](https://youtu.be/hQF7Dw0cVP8).
For this specific type of clipping, I am doing the same on Obsidian. But, since there’s nothing there similar to the ‘[forward email to Evernote](https://youtube.com/shorts/gsfqQ_6TvZM)’ feature, I’m also ‘printing to #PDF’ the emails I what to keep. However, like I [explained in a recent video](https://youtu.be/5P-ZY9MUo5A), I’m not creating notes for PDFs anymore. I'm simply saving them as files in the related folders.
The other type of clipping I do is text. Most of the time, all I need is the information, the text, and Evernote’s Web Clipper was always excellent at that. As for Obsidian, here's where [Steph Ango](https://stephango.com/) amazing solution was super helpful.
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Like other Obsidian features and plugins, there are many options and a different one may be more suitable for your needs. In my case, I am enjoying the Web Clipper created by the CEO. A [post on his blog](https://stephango.com/obsidian-web-clipper) even provides instructions for customizing it, which I did. How cool is that?
His post has everything you need to understand how to install, use and customize the Web Clipper. And in my video below, I share my reasoning for doing what I do and how I customized his solution to better work with the Proprieties I use in my #Obsidian notes.
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