# How I fixed a Disk II drive
It may sound crazy, but there was a time when Apple computers and accessories could be repaired by the user. This is a story about how I fixed a #Disk-II drive without any electronics training.

### Software and resources used
- [Stroboscope Engineer App](https://gyokovsolutions.com/stroboscope-engineer)
- [10+ incredible Evernote gems that helped me complete a one-year project](https://youtu.be/M5eE85QHRkI)
- [ADTPro](https://youtu.be/qQzuGE0tVLE)
- [XPS Diagnostic IIe](https://archive.org/details/XPS_Diagnostic_IIe)
- [The Amazing Disk II Controller Card](https://www.bigmessowires.com/2021/11/12/the-amazing-disk-ii-controller-card/)
<button>[[vladcampos.com/Maker/Apple IIe/The Apple IIe Project|The Apple IIe Project]]</button>
![[vladcampos.com/_embedded/After Post]]